Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Asshole Roommate - The original planned first video

So, this took a bit of planning, since it involved more than just me and my sister. Two of my college friends had to gather together and work on this video. I dare say this wasn't exactly my idea, but I was really the only one enthused about this video. See, for me, this whole stupid skit comedy typey videos really appeal to me. I'm not fan of the artsy type, which isn't to say I will never to anything artsy, it's just I prefer the stupid stuff. So call me stupid, big deal.

I think the video originated because I was somewhat thought as the badboy, or the asshole, which is why I played the part of the asshole roommate. The whole premise of the story is that I am committing asshole-ish behaviors without realizing that they are asshole-ish. I simply thought that I was doing what normal college kids are doing.

Here's video. Go check it out, and hopefully you haven't done anything like that to your roommates.
 The funniest part for me have to be the voiceover for the sex scene. I had to record sex sounds and it was extremely entertaining, mostly because the two people doing it are super uncomfortable with sex. You can notice it during the video. They can't stop giggling. I put in the best clip I had, but they are still noticeably laughing the entire time. Overall I think this video turned out well, and I hope you feel the same way as well.

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